Flood & Drain Fittings
13mm Tub Outlet
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£2.49 ex. VAT £2.99
13mm Tub Outlet, You can now adjust the height of both the Flood and Drain fittings to the modular design of these items. Also used for tank fittings and drain fittings in NFT systems and much much more.
19mm Tub Outlet
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£3.16 ex. VAT £3.79
19mm Tub Outlet, nut screw and washer, designed to be used with screens and adaptors You can now adjust the height of both the Flood and Drain fittings to the modular design of these items
25mm tub outlet
0 review(s)
£3.74 ex. VAT £4.49
25mm tub outlet - All of our High Quality fittings are made to suit Australian conditions. Simply plug together to make a drip feed or nutrient delivery system to suit your needs..
25mm tub Outlet Extension
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£0.96 ex. VAT £1.15
25mm tub Outlet Extension Tub outlet extionsion to raise the tub outlet screen of filter in flood and drain hydroponic systems.
Tub Outlet Filter Screen
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£2.29 ex. VAT £2.75
Tub Outlet Filter Screen Adjustable height Flood and Drain fittings Use with flood and drain fittings tub out let fittings to stop pebbles, soils and debris falling in to the pumps or water system
Flood & Drain Ebb & Flow Fittings Set
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£10.83 ex. VAT From: £12.99
Flood & Drain Ebb & Flow Fittings Set Universal flood and drain ( Ebb and Flow ) Fittings Kit set, Universal had wearing plastic pieces that should last for years, suitable replacement for most hydroponic systems or for construcitng your own DIY hydroponics flood and drain kits