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Brains & Feeding Controllers

Brains & Feeding Kit Controllers from the green man and iws systems, brains allow you to control number of automatic systems and pots via a variety of hydroponics methods, advanced timers and control units built in. Baic to advanced brain control systems available.


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Showing 1 - 8 of 8 products
Showing 1 - 8 of 8 products

Iws  Return Waste Brain System , replacement iws brain or make your own run to waste system with multiple trays using this iws brain system.

Iws Control Brain System - Basic Flood & Drain, Designed For use with IWS flood and drain systems. ​​​​​​​Iws Control Brain System for Iws DWC, Controls up to 40 pots in 4 x lines of 10. Control iws pots/pods or other dwc pots and pots, can be used with most hydroponics systems But does need to work with the iws water butts.

Iws Control Brain System - standard Flood & Drain, Designed For use with IWS flood and drain systems. ​​​​​​​Iws Control Brain System for Iws DWC, Controls up to 40 pots in 4 x lines of 10. Control iws pots/pods or other dwc pots and pots, can be used with most hydroponics systems But does need to work with the iws water butts.

Iws Control Brain System for Iws DWC, Controls up to 40 pots in 4 x lines of 10. Control iws pots/pods or other dwc pots and pots, can be used with most hydroponics systems But does need to work with the iws water butts.

Iws Float switch for iws Brain pot, Replacement iws float switch for the iws brain system

The Green Man System - Brain Feed Control kit, the Green Man System is a unique and versatile Hydro growing system. Link them up or just use one, either way you'll find this system a delight to work with and likely to get the best yields you've ever seen.

Grasslin - Optimax Replacment 24 hr Timer switch Replacement optimax/grasslin timer switch for the iws flood and drain brain timers and brains and or relay contactors

MultiFlow V3R Brain Control Unit Multiflow System V3R minimum effort, maximum yield The V3R Multiflow level controller takes the best parts of a V1 (easy to set up with an analogue timer) and seamlessly combines them with the enhanced facilities of the V2R Digital controller